How 27 years of experience has led to us developing the award winning Kymin Wealth Programme

Whether you are looking to secure your financial future, grow your wealth, protect your loved ones or leave a legacy for your children - Finding a Financial Planner that you can trust and a solution that delivers results can be an overwhelming experience.

Working closely with our clients we recognize and understand some of the biggest problems that they face when looking for a solution to take them on their journey to financial freedom.

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Make it stand out.

You see, one of the biggest problems we see today is that so many others in the profession offer an incomplete approach to financial planning.

Whether that is a lack of Fee Disclosure, leading to a lack of trust with potential clients Like You and restricting the ability to make informed decisions…. or;

A lack of true impartiality and independence when offering financial planning and investment solutions, potentially costing you lost money and wealth in the future or;

An incomplete and ineffective service that offers only one off advice or products and fails to take a truly holistic view of all the key planning issues required to secure your dream financial future and freedom in retirement.

“For over 27 years Kymin’s ongoing service proposition has been the preferred option for our clients and has proved to be beneficial to them. The client experience is to build on this through regular contact and communications which are part of this service.”